Our Studio

701 Dingwall Road in Courtenay, BC

You can find us one block from the old Canadian Tire store, off Headquarters Rd.

Our Music Studio

Our studio is located in one of the original homes of the Courtenay area. Originally built in 1885, it burned down in 1934. A year later it was rebuilt on the same foundation, but facing the opposite way. You can still see the charred beams in the basement as well as a concrete staircase that goes no where.

Daphne bought the house in 2010 when her home studio became too small for the growing number of students she had. She uses the large living room as our teaching space, with its lovely wood stove, original hardwood floors (we have slippers for you to borrow) and wood wainscoting. A portion of the house is rented out, but the studio is a completely separate space.

We have a grand piano, an upright piano and 4 keyboards in the studio. Your children will enjoy playing on the variety of options available.


Kind words from parents
He leaves every lesson feeling good about himself!
We are absolutely loving the program! I didn’t know how piano would be for Keagan, but it’s the first extra curricular that has really grabbed his attention. I can’t get over how well the curriculum has been thought out and I love that he leaves every lesson feeling good about himself.

Mom of an 5 year old

Lessons Tailored to the Child

“I love the way Daphne tailors the lessons to specifically meet the needs of my son.”

Parent of a special needs 4 year old

Warm, Caring Environment

“You have created such a warm, personal and caring environment for my children. Thank you.”

Parent of multiple students

Fun Lessons

“I only wish piano lessons were this fun when I was a kid!”

Parent of a 3.5 year old

Making Practice Fun

“You are a genius Daphne! My daughter is doing so much better since you helped her make a “fun” practice plan. Thank you!”

Parent of an 8 year old


“Totally amazed my 6 year old knows what chords go with certain notes. Daphne is somehow magical.”

Parent of a 2nd year student

Daphne Langford

Music for Young Children
and Piano Lessons


701 Dingwall Road
Courtenay, B.C.
Get Directions

Contact Us

(250) 890-0009
from 9 am - midnight

© 2025 Daphne Langford. All rights reserved.